September 12, 2008

Tantalizing words...

...from Charles Krauthammer. Excerpts:
The Democrats are in a panic. ***

Meanwhile, a posse of Democratic lawyers, mainstream reporters, lefty bloggers, and various other Obamaphiles are scouring the vast tundra of Alaska for something, anything, to bring down Sarah Palin***

But Palin is not just a problem for Obama. She is also a symptom of what ails him. ***

***Obama had managed to stay aloft for four full years. But no one can levitate forever.

***The problem is that Obama began believing in his own magical powers — the chants, the swoons, the “we are the ones” self-infatuation. ***

***To top himself, Obama had to reach. Hence his triumphal declaration that history would note that night, his victory, his ascension, as “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”

Clang. But Obama heard only the cheers of the invited crowd. Not yet seeing how the pseudo-messianism was wearing thin, he did Berlin (#4) and finally jumped the shark. That grandiloquent proclamation of universalist puffery popped the bubble. The grandiosity had become bizarre.

From there it was but a short step to Paris Hilton. ***

One star fades, another is born.

*** in the celebrity game, novelty is trump. With her narrative, her persona, her charisma carrying the McCain campaign to places it has never been — and by all logic has no right to be — she’s pulling an Obama.

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