September 12, 2008


CNN made no mention about Obama’s use of marijuana, cocaine and alcohol in high school and college yet discussed at length Cindy McCain’s addiction and theft of prescription drugs.

They focused only on McCain’s shortcomings and Obama’s strengths.

There was no mention that Obama steered millions of dollars to Chicago’s low-income housing developers, who left slums, or that he authored only three bills that survived in the Illinois legislature, two of which had to be totally rewritten. Yet CNN reported that he was instrumental in hundreds of pieces of legislation (only because he added his name to them).

All the mainstream media have followed the same biased reporting on McCain and Obama as CNN. For example, Vanity Fair made a big deal about one of Cindy McCain’s outfits during the Republican National Convention costing $300,000. Yet, a jeweler said her three-carat diamond earrings cost more like $60,000 instead of the $280,000 estimate.

So what? Who cares? She’s rich and it’s her money. Yet there has been no mention of the hundreds of thousands of dollars she and McCain have donated to charities, including the $25,000 they just gave to the Hurricane Gustav relief effort as they raised millions at the Republican convention.

The mainstream media have become the Fourth Estate in Obama’s campaign, even going after McCain’s running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Isn’t it strange that the media praised Michelle Obama on her appearance at the Democratic Convention, swooning over their two lovely daughters standing on stage; yet demeaned Sarah Palin for “parading” her family out on stage at the Republican convention?

The bias is blatant. The only news organization giving positive news about McCain and Palin is FOX News, and the liberal left wants to shut them down.

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